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Sign on as Guest
Sign on as User

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This page gives a description of the pages and tells you how to get there. But you must be signed on before you can access some of the them.

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Sign On as Guest

If you have not yet signed on, the user authentication dialogue box will prompt you for your guest ID and password. You can ask the webmaster for the guest ID and its password.

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Sign On as User

If you have not yet signed on, a dialogue box will prompt you for your user ID and password.

If you do not have a user ID, you can either

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A dialogue box will prompt you for your id and password. Enter the guest ID and its password. A form will prompt you to assign yourself a user ID and password.

All of the following input are required.

name Enter your first name, your nickname, or whatever you like. This name will be used as the default to identify yourself in some pages of this web site.
user ID Enter 3 to 20 characters; the valid character are a to z, A to Z, 0 to 9, the underscore '_', and the dash '-'. This is used for signing on to this web with write access privileges.
password Enter 6 to 20 characters; the valid character are a to z, A to Z, 0 to 9, the underscore '_', and the dash '-'. This is used for signing on to this web site. The password is encrypted.

password reentry

Type your password again. If it does not match the first password; registration will fail. This is to make sure that you correctly typed your intended password.

If you forget the password, contact the webmaster to have it reset.

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